Ephesians 4:29 - Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (NIV)
"What do you want to do that for?"
"I'm not going to do that."
"So and so's been a right *** today."
In every day life we hear negative and disparaging comments from people. Comments that get us down or knock our self confidence. Some people seem to take great satisfaction in destryoying others emotionally using some well chosen words at exactly the right time to cause maximum damage.
I know my young boys back home jokingly say to me "No offence dad, but" and I know they are going to try to insult me in some way or another. But other people won't use this statement in jest, they'll use it as an excuse to pull somebody down.
Fortunately this week I'm in the company of good stock. Men and women who care about each other, take the time to find out about others lives and about the kind of day they're having. They encourage when something isn't quite right or another member of the party is feeling down. I'm always fascinated by people's testimonies and the stage they are at in their Christian journeys (probably the nosiness in me) and our group are people who have been brought up with faith. Some are deeper into their relationship with God than others and I can see that I'm still one of the "newbies", but each and everyone of them are fantastically good people with genuine compassion in their hearts and concern for others. That is why they are all here I suppose. It is amazing that when you get a group of Christians together the "vibes" that are generated are so positive. There is so much that can be acheived when the atmosphere is positive and there is a willingness to succeed in doing God's work.
It is great to be in the company of this group this week as we soldier on. If there are obstacles to overcome there is no complaining about them, just an attitude of "How do we get around this one". There is a desire to succeed and serve. I love that spirit which is so refreshing from normal life back home when so many people are just out for themselves. Need to be careful here as I'm starting to complain about others but hopefully the illustration is that Christian folk are able to face things positivily when they know that any mountain can be overcome when God is on our side. This group exudes that attitude.
Today the party was split in two. Jeff, Stephen, Nathan, Wayne, Alan, Tim, Tom, Elaine and myself headed off for Casa Lumina to continue refurbishment and alterations to the old part of the building. Cry in the Dark have been instructed by the authorities to fit fire resistant plasterboards to the walls and ceilings where they don't exist at present. Each year the rules and regulations seem to get tougher and I can see that that it provides extra safety for the young people in the orphanage, but I still wonder whether the rules are being applied across the board or if the orphanage is an easy target (oops, complaining here aren't I). Any how we cracked on at a good pace and one room had its ceilings re-plasterboarded by the end of the day and a wall was plasterboarded both sides as well. At the beginning of the day we were given a brief tour of the extension which houses the young ladies there, and it was agreed that it looked amazing. Another demonstration as to what can be acheived with the power of prayer, faith in God and a positive attitude.
Back at Casa Albert Iris, Shirley, Beth, Sarah, Isabella, David, and Peter entertained the children as they attended the Holiday Club week. None of them quite knew what to expect as the children arrived particularly not knowing their particular illnesses and disabilities, but they thoroughly enjoyed their first day which involved many games, crafts and Christian teaching. Again the enthusiasm and willingnes to serve shown though.
Mutley and Jane returned with Steve Cooper to Lacramoira's house to continue work on the small extension so got to experience the joys of serving some of the poorer members of society as well.
We all come from different backgrounds, are differing ages and certainly have different personalities. We have different skills to offer and it appears that God is equiping us with new skills as we go along. As a group we are united as one with a goal to serve, and serve with a joyous and positive heart.
How fantastic is that?
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Terry Norrington