Monday, 22 August 2011

Be Still and Don't Make a Noise

Psalm 46
Be still and know that I am God

It's been an extremely hectic last two weeks. A thoroughly rewarding week in Romania with the charity Cry in the Dark was followed by seven days with the family in Blackpool. It has been a very socialable time having met many old friends and made new, and of course having two boys at the ages of seven and eleven, there is never a dull moment. This constituted my holiday for the year and at the moment I don't do "restful". It almost seems like I've come back to work for a rest.

For all the hustle, bustle and enjoyment there was always something missing and coming back to work kind of emphasised this as well. It was the quiet time. The time I have with God.

Granted I prayed to God and read a bit of the bible when I could catch a moment but I couldn't really say this was "quality time" with God. I wasn't really seeking God. A good part of my working day is spent alone. I drive to work and the majority of the time I work by myself. I am quiet and I have time to pray, think, look and listen. For some people this may sound boring and I know from the past it can be very easy to dwell on the negative aspects of life. But now that I am on a journey, my Christian journey, I can focus on my relationship with God and the joy that it brings. These are positive thoughts that fill me with hope rather than despair. I have peace in my heart and I have time to strengthen my faith.

If we can get away from all the man made structures of city life and immerse ourselves in God's creation, the countryside, we can feel so much closer to God. Being quiet and soaking up the stillness and the harmonious sounds of nature leaves us peaceful and rested. God offers us rest if we turn to him in times of trouble and we can find him if we can just be still.

How fantastic is that?

Terry Norrington

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