Friday, 9 December 2011

The Christmas Story

Welcome to Christian Charity World as we look at The Christmas Story.

"Luke 2: 14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."

A couple of years ago I rember talking to a good friend at a church service the Sunday after Christmas. I'd asked him if he'd had a good Christmas. He answered, "Yes, but I get extremely sad when people try to destroy The Christmas Story. It is such a beautiful story so why do people want to analyse and disect it so much?"

He'd obviously dwelt upon this point over the festive period and had somewhat dampened his spirits. I can understand his sorrow. Whether it be aetheists or historians, there seems to be a body of people that are bent on discrediting The Story. We can be told that Jesus wasn't born on the 25th December and this date has been hijacked from a pagan festival. It is said that it actually took The 3 Wise Men two years to find the baby Jesus so was unlikely to be found in the stable at that point.

Despite attempts to place doubt on The Christmas Story, whatever so called facts emerge, we are still left with the one undisputable fact, that Christ was born. What ever date he was born, he did arrive, and he came as our saviour. From my understanding, this has never been disproved.

Astrologers have declared that at the time of Jesus's birth, certain stars and heavenly bodies had moved into alignment such that a bright star appeared. Facts like this are giving credence to The Christmas Story rather than discrediting it and it also shows that God is in control as the prophocies of scripture unfold.

I wonder, as various people try to place falsehood on the birth of Christ whether these same people still join in the festivities. Do aetheists eat turkey and brussel sprouts, drink wine and offer presents? If so, isn't this a bit hypocritical?

Fortunately we know differently. Jesus came to this earth, born of a virgin and laid in a manger, in a stable. He came to be our king and to save us from our sins, to give us hope and a new life.

How fantastic is that?

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