Job 12:7-10. But ask the animals, and they will teach you; or birds of the air and they will tell you; or speak to the earth and it will teach you; or let the fish of the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the lord has done this. In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.
In my earlier years when I hadn't really started my Christian journey I probably had alot of un-answered questions. I believe I was a good man but not really a Christian because I didn't understand or even know Jesus's part in a Christian's life. I didn't go to church save for the usual weddings, christenings and funerals. Yet that one question that always stood in the back of my mind was "How was the universe created?"
I had heard the "Big Bang" theory of how the universe came about; one single atom exploding to create galaxies, suns and planets but nobody could answer the question as to how that atom got there in the first place. And no doubt if some boffin scientist comes up with a theory we would still be left with the question as to how that came about. While to some the Big Bang theory is completely plausible we still don't know how the detenator was driggered.
This question was one of the reasons that I eventually came to faith. I reasoned that a greater power, an authority that we couldn't possibly understand must have created it all. It dawned on me that something far more intelligent than us human beings must be in control of the process. I have read somewhere that some mathematician had calculated the odds of this universe being created by chance. It stacked up at 10 to the power of unimaginable and his conclusion was that it was impossible that the world and all that surrounds it was created by chance.
Recently I was listening to a Christian radio programme and a pastor was delivering his thoughts on creation. He pointed out that if the sun was 5% closer to the earth then much of this world would be to hot to survive on. 5% further away and this world would be to cold for much to live. The sun has been placed in exactly the right place for life to be supported. The world is tilted on its axis at 23.5*. This is exactly the right position to give us the four seasons that we experience. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter produces all its wonderful colours and glories because earth spins on exactly the right axis.
Could all this have developed by chance? Could all the glorious creation that we see around us be the product of some fluke? Or was it designed?
I certainly believe that God was the great architect and constructer of this world. He has sculpted every mountain, routed every stream and breathed life into every living creature. We only have to watch and observe the wonders of his creation to know that we are here by design and not by accident.
How fantastic is that?
Terry Norrington
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