2 Corinthians 9 — “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
I was very proud of my wife the other day. Seeing a "Big Issue" seller in the street she went and bought a cup of coffee and gave it to her. She gave it willingly and it gave her a warm glow in her heart for the rest of the day.
A very simple act you may think but it was a spontaneous gesture; an act of cheerful giving.
How many times have we passed beggars in the street? Do we look at them and begrudge giving them anything because we question as to whether the money we give will be spent wisely?
Very often homeless people have other issues. They can have drug problems, alcohol addiction, perhaps gambling issues. We refrain from giving because we doubt that our hard earned money will go towards food, a cup of tea or other things we consider necessities. Our giving then becomes subject to conditions. Is that the cheerful giving?
God calls us to give and give with a cheerful heart. It is not for us to judge a situation. If we give and give willingly, gladly, then we have fulfilled God's wish. If the receiver then chooses to spend the money on the wrong things then he (or she) has to answer to God. It can't be for us to make judgement on whether the person in need is justly deserving because we will never know all the circumstances that has drawn that person to that position. But God does. He knows that individuals full life history and He knows what is in their heart.
Cheerful giving doesn't have to be about sharing financially. It is also about sharing time, giving hospitality, listneing to somebody's woes, helping somebody in need. We may never know what effect our charity has on somebody but we can be content knowing that we have done The Lord's work. When we do see the difference that our act of kindness has on somebody we then feel truly rewarded.
How fantastic is that?
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