Welcome to Christian Charity World in this Season of Advent
Luke 2: 14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
I know I’m not the first to feel that the true meaning of Christmas gets left out of many people’s celebrations. How many people do we know that quite happily eat, drink and be merry without giving a thought to the birth of a baby in a stable some 2011 years ago and laying its head down in a manger. Sometimes it is nice to remind others exactly what they are celebrating.
Certainly when we watch our little one’s portray the nativity scene this gives us a good nudge in the right direction, but last weekend I was extremely fortunate to be involved in our town’s Manger Trail. For those who are unaware of the nature of a Manger Trail, it takes children (and adults if they so wish) through various scenes of the nativity as they search for the baby Jesus. Within these scenes actors act out the various roles and try to make it interactive for the children. Our town’s Manger Trail started with an actress dressed up as a Christmas decoration acting very confused as to why she came out every year. She then took the group of children on a journey via scenes of wise men, King Herod, shepherds, Roman centurion, innkeeper and finally the stable where baby Jesus was found before heading off for donkey rides. In the process the children had to find the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh and answer silly riddles from King Herod helping the children to take in the story whilst having fun at the same time.
A project such as this takes a lot of organising and being as this is the first time that a Manger Trail had been produced in the town the organizers were really unsure as to how successful this would be. Indeed, they were only aware of one other having been held in the country, so felt they were nervous trailblazers. Fortunately within the town there is a very strong Churches Together movement and it was marvellous how a combined effort spectacularly brought things together.
However, people were still wary of how many visitors would come through the doors. As the opening time drew closer the nerves set in. Yet as the doors were unlocked it was truly amazing how many children with their parents came flooding in. It was constant from start to end.
There was no entrance fee, just a suggested donation. The whole idea was to spread the Christmas message to as many children as possible, not to make it a money spinning venture. This wasn’t a professional production, just Christians working voluntarily together to help others understand the true meaning of Christmas. Everybody that took part were enthused by the experience and not one bad word was uttered.
It just goes to show that when God’s work is done with Him in mind and faith to shore it all up, God will come good every time.
How fantastic is that?
Terry Norrington
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