Ecclesiastes 4:9–12 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.
It is the last day and work at Casa Lumina continued. Although the plasterboarding didn't get completed there were alot of rooms that are near completion. The Fire Authorities can fine Cry in the Dark if these fire resistant ceilings aren't installed so it is hoped that progress is enough to keep the wolf at bay.
The Holiday Club at Casa Albert finished on a high and the enjoyment it has provided to all of the children this week is amazing. The bond and trust that has been built up between the volunteers and children during the last five days is one of the real highlight of the week and will provide some wonderful memories for those that have been involved.
On this last day eight of us went to see a state run institution. About an hour and a half drive from where we have been staying at Casa Albert it was noticeable how out of the way this place was. Although the building forms part of a village and creates employment for a few, we had to drive up and down hills on dusty tracks and narrow, pot-holed roads to get there and felt that the institution was very much placed in isolation; out of site, out of mind. This particular institution housed about eighty adults with severe learning difficulties and disabilities. The building itself was very tired looking with plaster falling away from the walls and much damaged woodwork. Ceilings are high creating that hollow, echoey sound when we talk which in turn gives the whole place an austere, unfriendly feel. It didn't hit me as hard emotionally as I expected at first, but on reflection, remembering the smell of the place, seeing beds crammed inside rooms head to toe and stained with human waste, plus the fact that we seemed to be shown only certain rooms, I can see what a depressing place a state run institution can be. Some of the adults living there rushed up to hug us and seemed really excited to have us visit. Apparently they don't have many visitors which became so obvious when viewing the visitor's book and observing that most of the comments in the last year have come from Cry in the Dark teams. Do we really want to see our residence at Casa Lumina ending up there?
As this is my last blog about our trip to Romania I am consciously aware that some team members have been mentioned alot and others have just had a fleeting glance. Each and every one has contributed to yet another brilliant week so I want to re-dress the balance now. Wayne, Alan, Tim and Tom are from Devon and created another team whilst working at Casa Lumina. Wayne and Alan have really lead the work at the orphanage and have done so with an easy, friendly manner that has commanded respect from us all. Both are in the "building game" back home so we viewed them with authority as the work progressed. Wayne and Alan have supported Cry in the Dark for a few years now and this has been Alan's 10th trip out here. Tim did alot of the electrical work on site and made a true friend in Radu. Radu seems to have a fascination in all things electrical and can now handle a screwdriver very well. Radu was Tim's constant companion throughout the week. Tom was the youngest member of the four yet shows a very practical side to him making him an extremely useful member of the squad. His musical bent came to the fore when we had our emergency prayer meeting as he lead the worship that evening.
Bethany hales from the North East as does Stephen and Nathan Squires. A lovely young lass she has spent her time mostly at Casa Albert this week but has put in a stint at Casa Lumina as well. She has a bubbly, friendly nature and was a joy to be around. Stephen and Nathan hadn't known Beth before the trip but I'm sure they will keep in touch when they get back home.
Peter has come to Romania with his dad David and both have been valuable members of the team. The Holiday Club was Peter's choice of activity for the week and has spent his time interacting with the children at Casa Albert and forming that special bond. I've no doubt that he will take away some wonderful memories from this trip.
I know Iris from last years visit. Iris has been to Romania on many occasions, not just with Cry in the Dark but with other charities as well which I think demonstrates the wonderful compassion that floods from her. She and Shirley have budded up together and hopefully have formed a friendship for life.
Each year that I come to Romania I experience something different. My first trip truely helped to accelerate my Christian journey by teaching me about the true meaning of faith. Seeing what has been achieved by Cry in the Dark since its formation in 1998, starting from nothing to where it is now by the power of prayer and faith in God was a real eye opener. Last year I came back from Romania with a desire to do more for Cry in the Dark and have put some effort into this during the course of the year for which I have to thank my family for their tolerance. This year has been the most emotional. Seeing the situation at Casa Lumina unfold during the week has been hard but really a necessary process for me to understand the real difficulties a charity such as Cry in the Dark have to face. We have been called to prayer and now we have to believe that God will answer those prayers and look after those amazing young people at Casa Lumina.
Having completed three trips to Romania now I can say that each group has been a joy to be a part of. Everyone seems to get on well with the other and friendships have developed accordingly. Indeed on this trip I have been fortunate to be with people I have known from both my previous visits. Considering the amount of work that has been achieved, it couldn't have been possible if we hadn't of pulled together, remained positive and looked out for each other.
How fantastic is that?
Nathan' s latest photos can been found at
Terry Norrington
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