Saturday, 6 August 2011

Truly I Say to You. Romania Day 1

And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, [6] you did it to me.’ Matthew 25 : 40

Getting into the car at 6.15 in the morning the first thing I did was turn on the radio just in time to catch the travel news. M25 closed between junctions 7 and 8. A major part of our journey to Heathrow airport. Picking up Jeff Henderson and Shirley Docker we discuss the various options to get around this particular obstacle. Fortunately God was obviously guiding us as our option of the A25 through Redhill and Reigate meant we only added another 20 minutes to our journey.

Isabella and Sarah had already beaten us to the airport and we gradually gathered up the full crew which grew to 18 by the time we got on the plane. Others included David, Peter, Alan, Wayne, Tim, Tom, Stephen, Nathan, Beth, Colin (affectionately known as Mutley), Elaine, Jane and Iris. Phew.The flight took off on time and was rather uneventful to be honest but we still had the 4 hour journey from Bucharest airport to Casa Albert. It was I who volunteered to drive one of the mini-buses and it became the usual chase to try to keep up with Steve Cooper who was driving the other vehicle in front. However we arrived safely at destination end and was greeted with a fabulous meal courtesy of Beth Johnson

Of the group that have generously given of their time, some I knew from previous visits and some I didn't but it was great to meet faces old and new. Their are some younger members this time and it was heartening to see them mixing and making friendships from the very start. Hopefully they will be inspired enough by what the week has to offer and enthuse about the work of Cry in the Dark to others when they get home.

We all met after dinner to discuss what was on the agenda for the week. There is plenty to do both at Casa Lumina with building and alteration work plus the wonderful opportunity for members of the group to be involved with the holiday club at Casa Albert. No doubt those who participate in this activity will get the rewards and joy of interacting with these children whose lives are so limited by their illness or disability. Steve finished the meeting by reading a passage from scripture, Matthew 25 which sums up the ethos of Cry in the Dark. Verse 40 jumped out at me; And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, [6] you did it to me.’

I believe we all have come out here with the spirit of charity and generosity in our hearts.

How fantastic is that?

Why not view the photos at

Terry Norrington 

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