Thursday, 1 September 2011

A Wish or A Prayer

A good Christian friend of mine was recently challenged to explain the difference between a wish and a prayer. Hazel Butler is an accomplished writer and so consequently chose to answer in the written word in the form of a poem. To me these are beautiful words and Hazel has allowed me to share them here.

I plunge my knife in virgin cake,
My eyes screwed tight, my wish to make;
Or pull the greasy chicken bone
My wish to others never known.
As coins I throw in wishing well
My hearts desires I throw as well.

And now it's time for Christmas lists
To Santa - That's if he exists!
So many hopes, desires, dreams;
The list is enless, yet it seems
That with the passing of the years
They fall on ever deafening ears.

My new found love - With Him I walk
Our hearts entwined, we laugh and talk.
I tell Him of the day that's gone
Of how my love for Him just shone
Because I knew how much He cared;
Oh! How I relished all we shared!
Of all we did and said and thought;
Of how His loving ways I'd caught;
How all my plans had Him in mind
And all my thoughts were re-defined
To how to please Him - Make Him smile
As we drew closer mile by mile.
His hope, ambitions, now made mine.
Our plans and wishes intertwine.
For now I clearly understood
His greatest longing was my good.

So prayer is love's communication -
Silence, worship, supplication.
Opening my inmost heart,
Allowing Him to have, not part,
But all my thinking, hearing, seeing,
Every part of all my being.
So I'll grow much more like Him
Not shooting prayers at every whim,
But resting in a love so vast
That it is safe for me to cast
My every need, concern and care
Into His hands - He's always there.
This mighty friend, who's endless power
Created sun and earth and flower,
Reveal Himself in many ways
But most of all within the maze
Of complex lives like yours and mine,
He reaches down with love divine
And then, in answer to my prayer,
Transforms with love the mess that's there

How fantastic is that?

Terry Norrington

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