Monday, 2 January 2012

Positive Faith

Welcome Christian Charity World and our look at Positive Faith.
"Philippians 4:6 ESV

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."

For many people 2012 is going to be a testing year. So many people are struggling financially and it isn't just individuals and their families. The financial crisis translates over to companies, local authorities, governments and nations. The Euro Zone is barely holding together as countries such as Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal all wrestle with a mountain of debt. As the forecast appears to be that Europe could see another period of recession, it seems that 2012 could be a really tough year.

On a personal front the finances are low as well and as I look to juggle the bills around to make ends meet I have to admit to having to force myself sometimes to be positive; having positive faith. So if we are fighting the evils of negative thinking how do we turn that around? How can we be positive when all seems lost?

Well the first thing to do is pray. Many people use prayer as the last resort, as a tool to use when all else fails. Turning to God should be our first port of call in all situations, good or bad. I know it is extremely hard to surrender control when times are hard particularly when there seems no end in sight. For people trying to create solutions in times of trouble, they develop the nasty habit of making rash decisions, decisions formed out of desperation. Two of the qualities of the fruits of the spirit are "patience" and "self control" and yet these can fly straight out of the window if we don't allow God to take control of our problems. Jesus was the finest example of having the virtues of the fruits of the spirit and He was also the greatest example of faith in His Father; positive faith.

I have over the past three years taken a great interest in a charity called Cry in the Dark. They have two projects working in Romania, their first and founding project was the creation of an orphange for children with life limiting illnesses and disabilities who were, at the time, homed in attrocious conditions at a state run institution. They started in 1998 with no money and virtually no resources and yet just two years later Cry in the Dark had created Casa Lumina, a home for 24 orphans in the town of Comanesti.

How did they do it? By prayer and an absolute faith in God through His son Jesus Christ.

Recently I was talking to the charity's financial adminstrator and he told me that he could never do a financial forecast for the charity. If he did then month on month they would appear to be in the red. Yet month on month they've been in the black. Although many times the going has been tough, God's hand in their work means they continue their amazing charitable work in Romania 13 years on.

At times it may feel like God isn't answering our prayers. Because our prayers aren't answered when we would like them to be it gives the impression that He isn't listening. But God does answer our prayers. He has our good at heart at all times and His timing is always perfect.
By having positive faith, knowing that God will answer our prayers, we can look forward to an abundant future provided by God, and we can then develop another of those qualities from the fruits of the spirit; Hope.

How fantastic is that?

Terry Norrington

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